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The Beauty and Joy of Computing Online Workshop for High School Educators

June 28, 2021 @ 9:00 am - July 2, 2021 @ 2:00 pm

| $75

BJC has offered High School PD workshops since 2012 at low or no cost to teachers with support from the National Science Foundation (grants 13469222 and 1542922), DonorsChoose, and Infosys Foundation USA. They have been organized by Professor Tiffany Barnes at NC State University, who leads our efforts to provide regional BJC PD workshops at universities around the United States.

BJC PD workshops are led by BJC Lead Teachers who have attended a BJC Summer PD workshop, taught the BJC course in high school, and participated in our ongoing “Train the Trainer” professional development program. The workshop content is based on the BJC curriculum, but is designed to also prepare teachers for facilitating hands-on programming labs, supporting collaboration, and creating equitable opportunities for students to learn computing.

We typically offer regional 5-day face to face summer professional development workshops for teachers intending to teach BJC within the next 2 school years (with priority to those teaching sooner), however due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all Summer 2021 PD workshops will be held online.

How to Enroll: Visit the application website


June 28, 2021 @ 9:00 am
July 2, 2021 @ 2:00 pm
Event Categories:




Special Information
Please follow Pre-Approval Process for OPI Renewal Unit Certificate if renewal units are desired. See OPI Professional Learning Educators website for more details.
Cost details
Event Format