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Science Saturday III: Medicinal Plants of Montana

May 3 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

| Free

The “Science Saturday” series provides teachers of grades 5-12 with tools to grow STEM opportunities in classrooms across the Hi-Line. Science Saturday III focuses on plants native to Montana, and their historical uses. This information can be applied in Earth science, biology, or other general science classes. We will discuss what these plants are, where to find them, how to collect them, and how to dry them. For the second half of the presentation, we will create distillations and infusions of these plants to sample. This presentation is consistent with the district graduate profile and educational goals of teaching and learning as described in ARM 10.55.601 (focusing on teaching above federal standards). This presentation enables teachers to develop further experience in subject content, teaching strategies, and uses of technologies (per ARM 10.55.714). Teachers will have opportunities for feedback and reflection on how to tailor what is learned to various levels of experience. Limited to 25 participants.


Contact Dr. Kyra Kaercher, Assistant Professor of Biology/General Sciences at kyra.kaercher@msun.edu  or 406-265-4126 for more information.


May 3
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Category:


Cost details
Event Format
OPI Renewal Units Available


Little River Institute
300 13th Street West
Havre, 59501 United States
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