Shelby High School

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  3. Shelby High School
Events at this venue

Intermediate Welding

Shelby High School 100 Valley Ave, Shelby

This course is a continuation of Introductory Welding for Beginners. In this course, learners can expect to safely employ Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) or Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding techniques for extended periods of time. Learners will also be able to operate, with minimal instructor help: angle grinders, pedestal […]


Introductory Welding for Beginners

Shelby High School 100 Valley Ave, Shelby

This class is designed to introduce the learner to the very basics of all types of welding and basic metal working. The learner can expect to experience: shop safety, oxy-fuel welding and cutting, "arc" welding, MIG welding, and plasma cutting. If you have little to no experience welding, this class is for you. Learn more […]


Bridging Schools & Communities: Student Inquiry, Meaningful Learning & Increased Engagement

Shelby High School 100 Valley Ave, Shelby

Be ready to be unconventional and creative! Find out more on how to create meaningful lessons by allowing student inquiry to drive instruction and, yes, still meet standards! In this course, teachers will see models of how to have students take ownership of their learning and amplify engagement and inquiry in their classrooms. Teachers will […]


Printmaking Across The Curriculum

Shelby High School 100 Valley Ave, Shelby

Looking for a new way to incorporate art into the curriculum? Or, perhaps looking for new art projects in your elementary classroom? Printmaking is an engaging and satisfying art form with a great variety of easily manageable projects available across grades K-12. This two-day class will cover a general overview of the history of printmaking […]


The Day/Year/Life of a PE Teacher

Shelby High School 100 Valley Ave, Shelby

Whether you are a new PE teacher looking for a fresh start or a veteran looking to revamp and update your lessons during the downtime of the year, it is always a good time to start thinking or re-evaluating what it is that you’re doing. Course topics will include, but are not limited to: (outdoor […]


Advanced Instruction, College Prep & Honors Courses: Connect, Collaborate & Plan

Shelby High School 100 Valley Ave, Shelby

The Golden Triangle Curriculum Cooperative (GTCC) is offering this event as part of their 2021 Summer Institute. This course is designed to support any/all advanced instruction, college prep and/or honors course educators across the State of Montana. Covid-19 has caused changes in assessments, rubrics, planning, and support that is offered for advanced courses in our […]

$40 – $100