ENROLLMENT OPENS August 19 for 3D Learning in Your Classroom (Sept 11 – Oct 22)
This course will introduce the NGSS Framework which focuses on the science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, core ideas and the journey of becoming a 3D Science Teacher. Teachers will find that many of the practices fit well with other content areas students are exposed to and what you are already doing in the classroom. Designed for all grade levels, K-12! Participants will have both grade level and vertical discussions with their peers. (Formerly titled Science 3D Implementation Mentorship)
24 Renewal Units
Enrollment opens August 19, 2022
Course runs September 11 – October 22, 2022
Note: Enrollment closes the first day of the course or when the cap is met.
Visit the 3D Learning in Your Classroom course on the Teacher Learning Hub to enroll
ENROLLMENT OPENS May 16, 2021 – STREAM: Fraction Models & Operations (June 6-27, 2021)
This course examines learning progressions and models related to operations on fractions. Another module, Developing Fraction Concepts 3-5, explores the meaning of “fraction” and fundamental concepts of equivalence and comparison. This module goes a step further to examine conceptual understanding of fraction operations and the models used to develop these concepts. Specific goals and activities include the following:
- Examine different types of conceptual models used to represent fraction operations.
- Discover how learning progression guide students’ developing knowledge of fraction operations in grades 3-5.
- Explore and apply fraction operations in real-world contexts.
Created by the STREAM project and facilitated by Tom Redmon, Daly Elementary School
15 Renewal Units
Enrollment opens – May 16, 2021
How to Enroll: Visit STREAM: Fraction Models and Operations (3-5) on the Teacher Learning Hub
ENROLLMENT OPENS Apr. 11, 2021 – STREAM: Ratios & Proportions 6-7 (May 2-23, 2021)
This module explores how a solid understanding of fraction concepts lays the foundation for students to successfully interpret, apply, and manipulate ratios and proportions. Specific goals and activities include the following:
- Recognize how learning progressions based on fraction knowledge prepare students for conceptual work with ratios and proportions.
- Solve fraction, ratio, and proportion problems in multiple ways.
- Develop an awareness of student misconceptions related to fraction, ratio, and proportion and examine teacher strategies to resolve these misconceptions.
15 renewal units
Enrollment opens Apr. 11, 2021.
Visit the STREAM: Ratios & Proportions (6-7) course on the Teacher Learning Hub to enroll.
ENROLLMENT OPENS Apr. 11, 2021 – STREAM: Connecting Length, Area, & Volume (May 2-23, 2021)
This three-week module will expand your vision of what it takes to develop conceptual understanding of linear measurement, perimeter, area, and volume. You will determine linear measurements of shapes, cover surfaces with square units to find area, and fill spaces to measure volume. You will delve into the relationships and structures of area, perimeter, and volume. Specific goals and activities include the following:
- Develop a mini-progression for learning a concept related to perimeter, area, and/or volume in grades K-5.
- Read about conceptually taught lessons, identify learning progressions within the lessons, and diagnose student misconceptions.
- Analyze and employ Math Talk as a tool for developing conceptual understanding.
- Solve, share, and defend solutions for perimeter, area, and volume problems.
15 Renewal Units
Enrollment Opens – April 11, 2021
How to Enroll: Visit STREAM: Connecting Length, Area, and Volume on the Teacher Learning Hub
ENROLLMENT OPENS Mar. 14, 2021 – STREAM: Geometric Thinking 4-7 (Apr. 4-25, 2021)
This 3-week module examines learning progressions in geometry with a focus on foundational ideas that promote geometric understanding. Participants will:
recognize geometric shapes and their components (e.g., sides, angles, faces);
learn properties of geometric figures and categorization based on those properties; develop strategies for composing and decomposing geometric shapes; engage in spatial relations and spatial structuring.
15 Renewal Units
Enrollment opens – March 14, 2021
Visit STREAM: Geometric Thinking (4-7) on the Teacher Learning Hub to Enroll
ENROLLMENT OPENS Feb. 13, 2022 – STREAM: Statistical Inferences HS (Mar. 6-27, 2022)
Statistics and Probability do not appear as stand-alone topics in Montana’s Content Standards. These concepts are dispersed throughout all high school mathematics courses with an emphasis on informed decision making. The power of statistics and probability to understand the world we live in is some of the most applicable knowledge students can acquire in our classrooms.
15 Renewal Units
Enrollment Opens – February 13, 2022
Course runs Mar. 6-27, 2022
Visit STREAM: Statistical Inferences (HS) on the Teacher Learning Hub to enroll
ENROLLMENT OPENS Feb. 14, 2021 – STREAM: Describing Data 4-7 (Mar. 7-28, 2021)
This 3-week module explores how data and statistics concepts are developed in grades 4 through 7. Participants will: gain familiarity with the data and statistics standards and learning progressions; identify statistical vs. non-statistical questions and scenarios; learn how to select appropriate representations for data and appropriate statistical measure to describe a data set; practice data analysis and statistical summary on a real data set drawn from an elementary school setting.
15 Renewal Units
Open enrollment – February 14, 2021
Visit STREAM: Describing Data (4-7) on the Teacher Learning Hub to enroll
ENROLLMENT OPENS Jan. 17, 2021 – STREAM: Making Sense of Modeling HS (Feb. 7-28, 2021)
During this module, you will learn about facets of mathematical modeling instruction and assessment in high school. Specific goals and activities include the following:
- Recognize competing conceptions for the term “modeling”, understand the MCSM definition of modeling and the six components of the modeling cycle, and rate modeling prompts on a scale from weak to strong,
- Engage in a mathematical modeling activity in Algebra I, Geometry or Algebra II, and,
- Understand best practices for assessment in mathematical modeling and apply an assessment rubric to student work.
15 Renewal Units
Enrollment opens Jan. 17, 2021.
How to Enroll: Visit STREAM: Making Sense of Modeling (HS) on the Teacher Learning Hub
ENROLLMENT OPENS Jan. 16, 2022 – STREAM: Algebraic Thinking K-5 (Feb. 6 – Feb. 27, 2022)
This 3-week course is designed to address K-5 algebraic thinking standards. Participants in this module will examine learning progressions in Algebraic Thinking with a focus on foundational ideas that promote algebraic understanding. Specific goals include the following:
- Recognize that addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operate under the same properties in algebra as they do in arithmetic
- Learn variables are tools that are used to describe mathematical ideas in a variety of ways
- Develop strategies for describing relationships among quantities to determine equivalence or inequalities
15 Renewal Units
Enrollment opens – Jan. 16, 2022
Course runs Feb. 6 – Feb. 27, 2022
Visit STREAM: Algebraic Thinking (K-5) on the Teacher Learning Hub to enroll
ENROLLMENT OPENS Jan. 16, 2022 – STREAM: Algebraic Thinking 6-7 (Feb. 6-27, 2022)
This 3-week course is designed for middle grade teachers to draw out high level algebraic thinking from their students. The focus is on teacher practices utilizing 6th and 7th grade Expressions and Equations Standards as a vehicle to improve algebraic thinking of students and teacher pedagogy.
15 Renewal Units
Enrollment Opens – January 16, 2022
Course runs Feb. 6 – Feb. 27, 2022
Visit the STREAM: Algebraic Thinking (6-7) on the Teacher Learning Hub to enroll.