Providing FAPE During the Pandemic webinar
The Region III CSPD/MRESA is hosting a free webinar with presenter Elizabeth A. Kaleva.
Providing FAPE during COVID-19 times can be difficult, but there are many proactive steps schools can take to ensure that the individualized needs of students with disabilities are met even during these troubling times. This workshop is designed to help schools ensure the provision of FAPE during a pandemic, including plans to meet the needs of high-risk students and what accommodations and modifications look like during times of unrest in the schools.
Visit the event website to register to attend.
FAPE During Covid-19: Looking Back, Looking Forward, and What You Should Be Doing Right Now webinar
Region III CSPD/MRESA is hosting a free webinar with presenter Dr. Ann N. Garfinkle.
As we all know, Covid-19 has brought many changes to the way that Special Education services are delivered. And, as the pandemic continues, there is continued worry about future quarantines and closures. Through all this, Special Educators have been tasked with providing high-quality Special Education services. This talk will discuss what kind of information Special Educators should have collected since March of 2020, what they should be doing now and what will need to happen when schools return to “business as usual” school. This information will help Special Educators and School District personnel continue to provide the best services they can now as well as plan for future services including the potential for “recovery services” after the end of the pandemic.
Visit the event website to register to attend.