Addressing the Need for Social Emotional Learning, Enhanced Creativity, and Differentiated Instruction via a Virtual Learning Platform webinar

The Region III CSPD/MRESA is hosting Dr. Linda Karges-Bone in this two-day webinar.

Participants will have the opportunity to explore the vibrant research base in cognitive science and apply it to the challenging world of running schools, serving families, and helping teachers in their own development. This training will prepare administrators and teachers to implement the “Brain Tips” and “Bibliotherapy” strategies immediately (books provided for participants). Training topics will include: 1. Brain 101: Key Facts about the brain and learning. 2. The Sensory Brain: Using the limbic system as a learning tool. 3. Bibliotherapy: The perfect mix of IQ and EQ. 4. Differentiated and Tiered Assessment. 5.Creativity and Your Classroom. and 6. Neuro-Architecture: Setting the Stage for Success.

Visit the event website for more information or to register to attend.