Linking Systems of Care Trauma-Informed Approaches series

The Linking Systems of Care (LSOC) Montana Trauma-Informed Approaches Curriculum provides in-depth training on policies and practices that programs, agencies, and organizations may employ to be trauma informed. For those who work with traumatized individuals, understanding and employing practices that resist re-traumatization constitutes an essential step toward helping to facilitate growth. Participants will learn about the LSOC Montana Seven Key Principles of Trauma-Informed Care: Safety; Trustworthiness and Transparency; Peer Support; Collaboration and Mutuality; Empowerment, Voice, and Choice; Equity for High-Risk Populations, and Leadership, Administrative Support and Policies, each of which anchor a host of policy and practice recommendations. The 10-hour training may be divided into as many as four segments and delivered over as many as four weeks. The training is facilitated by LSOC Montana Program Coordinator Jess Mayrer and trauma-informed care champions from across the state. For more information: Please visit the LSOC website for the list of courses.

Event Details

Target Group Early Childhood, K - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 12, Post Secondary
Delivery Method Online
Available PL Durations(s) 10 hours
Renewal Units/Credit 10 renewal units
Cost Free*

Contact Information

LSOC Montana Program Coordinator Jess Mayrer