How to Reach and Teach Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Grades PreK-5

This online course for teachers of grades PreK-5 is specifically geared toward educators who want to explore a wide variety of strategies so that they are better positioned to meet the needs of students with autism in the least restrictive environment. Teachers will take a deep dive into autism spectrum disorder, otherwise known as ASD. As they progress through the course, teachers will learn how to adapt their instruction so that it can be differentiated to meet students with ASD at their level. Teachers will learn about the social aspects of ASD and how it can lead to anxiety, especially if there is a comorbid diagnosis. Teachers will learn strategies to help students with ASD remain structured. The basics of behavior are discussed, and teachers will learn about the various functions of behavior and the primary role that reinforcement plays in behavior intervention plans. Social skills deficits are discussed in detail, as this is one of the cornerstone characteristics of students with ASD. Teachers will learn a variety of strategies for helping students with ASD cope academically, behaviorally, socially, and emotionally in the least restrictive environment. Teachers will learn the importance of collaboration, and they will take a deep dive into the various co-teaching models.

For more information, visit the website.

Event Details

Target Group Early Childhood, K - 2, 3 - 5
Delivery Method Online
Available PL Durations(s) 50 hrs
Renewal Units/Credit 50 PDUs

$149 course only
$379 with graduate credit
(sales offered every month)

Contact Information

Professional Development Institute
Lindsey Maranto