Jack Creek Preserve Foundation

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  3. Jack Creek Preserve Foundation
Events from this organizer

Grizzly Bear Conservation Management

Jack Creek Preserve 1206 Jack Creek Rd., Ennis, MT, United States

If you feel it is safe to attend in person, learn about Grizzly Bears - adaptations, ecology, conservation efforts, management strategies, and living safely in bear country: Tuesday, June 29, 2pm - Thursday, July 1, 2pm Earn 20 MT OPI Renewal Units Cost:  $60 Jack Creek is located between Big Sky and Ennis, MT Discuss […]


Wolf Conservation & Management class for K-12 Teachers

Jack Creek Preserve 1206 Jack Creek Rd., Ennis, MT, United States

Learn about wolves in the Northern Rockies - wolf ecology, history of conservation efforts, current management strategies, and the many different perspectives of stakeholders. Dr. Doug Smith will summarize his wolf research in Yellowstone National Park. Existing wolf classroom activities and materials will be evaluated for use in your classroom. We will also discuss what […]


WILD About Wildlife

Jack Creek Preserve 1206 Jack Creek Rd., Ennis, MT, United States

The goal of Jack Creek Preserve Foundation’s Conservation Field School for teachers is to: Ignite student interest in science using current challenges in wildlife management by enriching K-12 curriculum, developing wildlife-focused problem-solving and scientific inquiry activities, and decreasing teacher lesson/classroom preparation.  Help teachers to address and meet the Montana Science Standards using wildlife conservation and […]
