Teaching Students with Special Needs in the Mainstream Classroom Grades K-6

This course teaches K-6 educators how to address students with special needs in the general classroom. This online course for teachers begins by providing a clear definition and scope of special needs. Then, the course provides information about teacher involvement in the special education process in terms of assessment, intervention, and collaboration. A variety of suggestions for working with students who have special needs such as learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, communication disorders, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, sensory impairments, and low-incidence disabilities are provided. Also included are strategies to assist English language learners, students who are considered at-risk, and gifted and talented students. Each special need is defined, and common causes and characteristics are identified, along with suggested instructional strategies. Intervention strategies and classroom adaptations are also provided to help teachers accommodate students with special needs in an inclusive classroom.

For more information, visit the website.


Teaching Primary Grade Math Problem-Solving Skills Grades K-2

This online course for teachers is designed for educators in grades K-2 who want to help their students become critical and logical mathematical thinkers. Specific strategies are introduced to improve the way students approach math problems. Teachers will learn specific and effective strategies and techniques for teaching students how to problem solve including using manipulatives, grouping strategies, student-centered teaching, and using quality literature. Problem solving in the following areas of math are included: place value, number sense, geometry, measurement, and data. Differentiation techniques to address the problem-solving skill levels of all your students are shared. Appropriate assessment techniques specific to the problem-solving process are provided.

For more information, visit the website.


Targeted Instruction and Interventions with Reading Strategy Groups Grades K-5

This online course for teachers begins by discussing the elements and benefits of reading strategy groups. Since strategy groups are based on assessment, the course delves into a variety of assessment types and approaches. Throughout the course, teachers learn how to use research-based best practices to choose strategies, books, and activities for before, during, and after reading. Teachers will also learn specific reading strategies for working with English language learners and those who struggle with reading. Teachers will learn how to build students’ stamina and engagement as they work to become successful, independent readers. Teachers will learn the importance of relying on the science of reading as they work with their students across all areas of reading.

For more information, visit the website.


Supporting Students Using a MTSS Framework Grades 6-12

This online course for teachers is designed for educators in grades 6-12 who want to learn how to use a multi-tiered system to support all their students’ academic, behavior, and social-emotional needs. Universal screening measures are examined as well as using data to guide decisions within the classroom, with a focus on identifying students at-risk for poor academic outcomes. Information on academic supports is shared including universal design for learning, culturally responsive teaching, differentiated instruction, and instilling a growth mindset in students. Specific multi-tiered strategies are introduced to help teachers support students who struggle behaviorally. Teachers will learn the importance of utilizing reinforcement techniques, extinction plans, functional behavior assessments, and behavior intervention plans. A variety of social-emotional strategies are also discussed, including social skills instruction and the impact school climate has on students’ mental health.


For more information, visit the website.

Supporting Math Foundational Skills in the Primary Grades Grades K-3

This online course for teachers provides K-3 educators with a toolbox of both information and activities that can be used to support students who struggle to understand and grasp both the meaning and the manipulation of basic math principles. Some of the topics include counting and cardinality, counting objects, rote counting, number sense of quantity, counting on and back, operations of addition and subtraction, composing and decomposing numbers, the application of mathematical foundational skills within the problem-solving process, and guiding students to use their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills to make real-world connections. Teachers will also learn how to determine student levels and how to choose and design assessments to best utilize the resources that are available within a typical math curriculum. As teachers work through this course, they will learn how to create meaningful and engaging activities in order to promote student ownership, and they will learn how to establish home connections so that those mathematical habits of mind can flourish.

For more information, visit the website.


Responsive Classroom Management for the Primary Grades Grades K-3

This online course for teachers begins by introducing different management styles and helping you find just the right fit for your classroom. The course also addresses the importance of creating a trusting environment for students so they feel both engaged and motivated to learn. Some of the most daunting classroom management issues are addressed including how to keep your students motivated, working with diverse student populations, and response to intervention. Issues related to social-emotional learning will also be fully explored. Teachers will also learn about the importance of being organized, as well as how to create clear and concise rules and routines which have logical consequences. Suggestions for the best ways to connect character education to classroom management are explored. Rounding out the course is managing small groups, establishing a solid home-school connection, and how to prevent and address bullying issues.

For more information, visit the website.


Reading Workshop Approach in the Middle Grades Grades 4-8

This online course for teachers begins by establishing the foundations of implementing a reader’s workshop approach in your classroom. Then, commonly used and easy to administer assessment options are provided that can help teachers build group reading profiles. Once groups are established, teachers learn how to choose appropriate leveled books, how to help students set realistic goals, and how to confer with students about skills and strategies for independent growth to achieve maximum results. Teachers will also learn how to create learning stations that allow students some voice and choice. Suggestions for motivating students including creating book talks are shared. Differentiation strategies are also provided so that teachers may reach students at all skill levels. There is also an emphasis on management and routines to help the reader’s workshop run effectively and efficiently.

For more information, visit the website.


Reading Interventions for Middle School Students Grades 6-8

This online course for teachers is designed for educators who work with readers in grades 6-8 who are one to four years behind the appropriate reading level. The course materials are based on current best-practices research on helping students with reading difficulties. Topics addressed in the course include assessment and diagnosis of reading difficulties, differentiation strategies, fluency skills, vocabulary development, and cognitive reading strategies. Key comprehension strategies such as how to summarize and infer are presented along with fix-it strategies students can use when they begin to struggle. Specific vocabulary topics presented include the three tiers of words, self-collection, using context clues, and the importance of direct instruction. Teachers will also learn how to develop individual reading profiles and reading plans based on assessment data. Finally, teachers will learn how to best select appropriate reading materials for those who struggle.

For more information, visit the website.


Reading Fluency: The Bridge Between Phonics and Comprehension Grades K-5

This online course for teachers provides K-5 educators with a variety of strategies to help students build their fluency, as a way to “bridge” phonics and comprehension. The course begins by talking about the role that fluency plays in literacy and how it fits into the “Big Five” of foundational literacy skills. As they progress through the course, teachers are exposed to a variety of strategies to improve students’ fluency. The role of assessment as it relates to fluency is also explored in detail. Teachers will take a deep dive into the effects that phonics has on fluency as well as how fluency affects comprehension. Accuracy, automaticity, and prosody are explored in detail, and teachers will learn how various types of instruction (small group, whole group, and centers) can be used to increase students’ fluency skills.

For more information, visit the website.


Reading and Writing Strategies for Students with Special Needs Grades K-5

This online course for teachers is specifically designed to address the myriad literacy needs of students with learning disabilities who are present in general education K-5 classrooms. The course begins by introducing teachers to the science of reading so that they can understand why so many students with learning disabilities tend to struggle with reading and writing. From there, an overview of the MTSS framework is provided to help teachers understand the process of moving struggling students through the various literacy interventions throughout the tiers. Teachers will take a deep dive into all the foundational components of literacy as they explore numerous strategies and interventions to help students with special needs succeed and exceed in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing. Throughout this course, teachers will learn how to use developmentally-appropriate activities, lessons, and interventions to help students with learning disabilities increase their literacy skills, often using a multi-sensory approach.

For more information, visit the website.