The Seven Essential Understandings Regarding Montana Indians

The Western Montana Professional Learning Collaborative (WMPLC) is hosting this self-paced online course. This self-paced online course is designed for educators needing an introduction to or wishing to expand their existing knowledge of Montana’s Indian Education for All Law (Montana Code Annotated 20-1-501 1999) and the Seven Essential Understandings Regarding Montana Indians. Educators of all grades and content areas will build background knowledge and develop lesson plans that focus on and dig deeper into each Essential Understanding. These lessons are intended to be used in participants’ classrooms.

OPI renewal units and college credits are available. Visit the WMPLC website to register for the course. Other courses are available at the WMPLC website.

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Contact Information

Western Montana Professional Learning Collaborative

Event Details
Target Group K - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 12
Delivery Method Online
Available PL Durations(s) Varies by course
Renewal Units/Credit 30 renewal units or 2 college credits

Visit the WMPLC website for more information.