Supporting Students Using a MTSS Framework Grades 6-12

This online course for teachers is designed for educators in grades 6-12 who want to learn how to use a multi-tiered system to support all their students’ academic, behavior, and social-emotional needs. Universal screening measures are examined as well as using data to guide decisions within the classroom, with a focus on identifying students at-risk for poor academic outcomes. Information on academic supports is shared including universal design for learning, culturally responsive teaching, differentiated instruction, and instilling a growth mindset in students. Specific multi-tiered strategies are introduced to help teachers support students who struggle behaviorally. Teachers will learn the importance of utilizing reinforcement techniques, extinction plans, functional behavior assessments, and behavior intervention plans. A variety of social-emotional strategies are also discussed, including social skills instruction and the impact school climate has on students’ mental health.


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Contact Information

Professional Development Institute
Lindsey Maranto

Event Details
Target Group 6 - 8, 9 - 12
Delivery Method Online
Available PL Durations(s) 50 hrs
Renewal Units/Credit 50 PDUs

$149 course only
$379 with graduate credit
(sales offered every month)