Mastering the Text Complexity Challenge in Grades 4-8
This online course for teachers is designed for educators of grades four through eight who are interested in learning the best practices for helping their students master text complexity. This course begins with an overview of standards for ELA, literature, and informational texts. Teachers will learn strategies for assessing text complexity, asking and answering text-dependent questions, using textual evidence, teaching important standards-related and vocabulary building strategies. An emphasis is placed upon strategies and techniques for helping students learn how to read both narrative and information texts closely. Text exemplars are shared along with specific tools for analyzing texts. Teachers will also learn questioning techniques specific for students who struggle. Teachers will learn the importance of building vocabulary, as well as the vocabulary self-correction strategy to assist students in comprehending complex text. Finally, teachers will learn strategies for helping students explore theme and author’s message in a variety of genres.
For more information, visit the website.
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Contact Information
Professional Development Institute
Lindsey Maranto
Event Details
Target Group | 3 - 5, 6 - 8 |
Delivery Method | Other |
Available PL Durations(s) | 50 hrs |
Renewal Units/Credit | 50 PDUs |
Cost | $149 course only |