Differentiated Instruction: One Size Does Not Fit All Grades K-6

This online course for teachers helps educators analyze the learning styles and readiness of their students so that they can effectively develop a differentiated curriculum to meet the needs of a diverse population. Teachers will gain a clear understanding of the needs of multilingual, special education, and academically diverse classrooms, and they will learn how to adjust their lessons to accommodate the different needs and learning styles of their students. Different strategies and resources such as tiered instruction, multiple intelligences, and universal design for learning (UDL) will be presented so that teachers can better embrace and implement the principles of differentiated instruction into their classrooms. Very specific strategies for differentiation in each content area are presented along with ways to use digital differentiation. Teachers will also be exposed to a variety of techniques for assessing their differentiated learners. The impact of social-emotional issues on the learning process is explored, as well as how differentiation works within the pedagogy of culturally responsive teaching.


For more information, visit the website or contact Lindsey Maranto at lindsey@webteaching.com .



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Contact Information

Professional Development Institute 
Lindsey Maranto lindsey@webteaching.com

Event Details
Target Group K - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8
Delivery Method Online
Available PL Durations(s) 50 hrs
Renewal Units/Credit 50 PDUs

$149 course only
$379 with graduate credit
(sales offered every month)