Closing the Gap: Focusing on Critical Literacy and Math Skills Grades K-5

This online course for teachers is designed to equip K-5 educators with numerous strategies to help students master essential literacy and math skills by taking learning deeper, not wider, making it sustainable. The course begins by outlining the learning process and discussing several factors that promote deeper learning, or mastery, of content. Teachers will learn that a critical piece of teaching these essential skills is fostering collaborative learning. As the course progresses, teachers will take a deep dive into each essential learning skill as it relates to literacy and mathematics. Numerous strategies to assess and teach each of these critical skills will be provided. Finally, teachers will be introduced to the Paul-Elder Critical Thinking Framework, and they will learn how to promote cross-curricular thinking. Using a strengths-based approach to learning, teachers will understand the relationship between literacy and math and how these seemingly different content areas can be used to leverage one another. By the end of this continuing education course, teachers will feel more confident and successful in their quest to embed a variety of evidence-based strategies into their own teaching habits to help foster sustainable learning and promote future college and career success.


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Contact Information

Professional Development Institute
Lindsey Maranto

Event Details
Target Group K - 2, 3 - 5
Delivery Method Online
Available PL Durations(s) 50 hrs
Renewal Units/Credit 50 PDUs

$149 course only
$379 with graduate credit
(sales offered every month)