Classroom Management Survival Course Grades K-8

This online course for teachers focuses on helping educators explore a variety of classroom management strategies including learning how to develop and establish a discipline plan. Teachers will learn many useful and practical techniques for working with students. A particular focus is effective strategies for working with special populations such as difficult students, English language learners, and students with learning disabilities. Teachers will also spend time learning about the importance of establishing clear and concise classroom rules and routines. Character education will also be introduced as it relates to classroom management. Teachers will also learn the benefits of cooperative learning in creating a positive classroom environment. Conflict resolution strategies that can be taught to students will also be explored, particularly within the context of bullying situations. Finally, teachers will learn how to properly and effectively create individualized behavior plans.


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Contact Information

Professional Development Institute
Lindsey Maranto

Event Details
Target Group K - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8
Delivery Method Online
Available PL Durations(s) 50 hrs
Renewal Units/Credit 50 PDUs

$149 course only
$379 with graduate credit
(sales offered every month)